Monday, 26 January 2009

Glass-Steagall Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Glass-Steagall Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

was that great pal of Bliar's , Clinton, that repealed lass-Steagall Act which, had it been extant would have prevent America's woes and vitally, if we had , had an equivalent in Britain, would have saved us.

if Brown really foresaw this crash 10 years ago, why did he not pasS a UK equivalent of the Glass-Steagall Act?-which outlawed, the mixing of ordinary deposit banking with investment(?merchant) banking, as I understand it. The buying and selling of complex securities fuelled speculation and caused our house price and credit bubbles AS ANY FOOL CAN SEE- SO WHY DIDN'T BROWN STOP IT???!!!! one thing to learn forever is that all bubbles burst, and to stop them while you can

1 comment:

Alan said...

The Financial Services Modernisation Act 1999,which undid Glass Speagall was the work of 3 Republican politicians Gramm, Leach and Bliley.